Missing Out

UGH! I hate when I feel like I'm missing out on good times. I really have to learn to get over this at some point in life. Jawan is in Baton Rouge right now, and I'm SO upset I couldn't go! He is visiting with old LSU friends. I really wanted to go, but with work, lack of money, and a big move coming up, there was NO way I could take part.

I hate this feeling. It's not even that I'm jealous that other people get to see him or that Baton Rouge is so awesome (because it's absolutely not, lol), but I just know they're gonna have a good time and make great memories WITHOUT me. I mean obviously if I were there it would be like 100,000x more fun, but who cares lol.

So why is it that I can't let it go? I'm totally content here, excited about the choir show tomorrow, making money, having fun. But I'm bitterly upset when I think about all my LSU friends hanging out, laughing, reminiscing, having fun for one last hoorah. Maybe that's it. I know I will get to go visit eventually - but when I do, many of them will be gone. And it just won't be the same. Oh well. I guess I'll stop whining now. LOL. Just another Tracie vent-session.



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