Dear Scott Hoying...

Dear Scott,

I know you probably get tons of messages, but felt the need to share something with you... You inspire me! I'm a choir director in Houston and was an allstater/opera singer in my past life. I made the decision to become a teacher when I decided I couldn't handle the "life" of a performer. I have been kind of living someone else's life the past year since I began teaching...and not singing AT ALL (except in the classroom). I think I was afraid I would realize how much I missed it and get depressed...I discovered PTX this year and absolutely fell in love. Your voice makes me feel so many things, but most of all, INSPIRATION. You inspired me to start singing again, and share my voice with people. The passion and sincerity in your performances brings me to tears, and makes me remember why I love performing. I listen to your voice almost daily!! It soothes me. Yes, I'm still teaching (I do love it!), but I'm singing again...and SO happy for that. On top of all that you seem super awesome. I know I tweet you weird things constantly (I'm weird) like let's be besties (offer is still on the table :) and we have mutual friends btw) but I do find it amazing that someone who is...20 (?) is so talented, humble, and awesome. Just wanted you to know how you and PTX have impacted my life. I am so happy for your success and feel so much Texas pride!! I am so looking forward to your show in Houston in September and hopefully I'll get to give you a hug and thank you in person!! Me and my friends will be the 5 hot black girls in the very front dancing inappropriately. :) Take care and enjoy your time in Texas!
