Warm feelings

I'm back in Austin! YAY! It's been great. But first, I suppose I should recap the last days of Boston:

Awesome Earth day festivities that included Avatar on bluray at Julia's and some amazing pizza.

LAST day of PT, lots of errands including lugging a 32" TV 3 blocks. You know, people in Boston don't offer assistance when they see a lady struggling.

Awesome night of Celtics, Prosecco, and amazing quotes with Sarah & Ben.

Lots of car packing, and a night of INTERESTING one act operas at Longy with Kelli, and Fred's amazing performance!

We also got to meet Sapphira Cristàl...

LAST day of church, plus Applebee's and a funeral. Fun stuff. (Applebee's, not the funeral...)

OUTSTANDING dinner with Fredsie at Upstairs on the Square.

PT performance, finally finished packing the car, and then...

AMAZING going away dinner at Sunset. I was so overwhelmed. Everyone came to tell me how much they loved me and will miss me. And the best part was the AMAZING birthday song followed by cheers throughout the restaurant. ROCK STARS. It wasn't my birthday btw...hahaha I LOVE THOSE GUYS!!! I wish I'd gotten pics of everyone.

To see more, check out my facebook album: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2668029&id=23400627&l=aedf118798

The next day, this is what I had to say:

So now I'm back in Austin and I'm feeling so amazing. Not only to be home and spend time with my family and besties, but I've finally started exercising. It feels so amazing. The past 2 mornings, mom and I have been getting up in the morning and walking around the track in our back yard. Today I jogged and walked. I have no idea how much I weigh, but I feel amazing. And I can feel myself losing fat. It's such an amazing feeling, to get healthy. I'm so happy that after the weekend of high caloric intake, I got right back on track! Here's to health!


Wheel of Fortune

It's 5 AM and I'm awake. Ugh. I am having to sleep on the couch because I sold my mattress yesterday. I went to sleep without turning on the fan or the AC, and needless to say, I woke up sweating. So I turned on the TV, and of course there's NOTHING on TV at 5 AM besides infomercials. Luckily, I have some episodes of Wheel of Fortune on the DVR that I haven't watched. (Yes, I DVR Wheel of Fortune. Don't judge me.)

I'm finding that I have a million thoughts running through my head. Still thinking about the amazing dinner I had last night with Fred at "Upstairs on the Square" in Harvard Square. It was soooo amazing and so special. I honestly don't think a friend has EVER spent that much on me. I felt so special and so grown up. We had a bottle of some AMAZING Riesling, "Hot Dates" for an appetizer along with tomato soup and an asparagus dish. For main courses: I had a seared chicken dish with some kind of lima beans and greens, and Fred had this amazing halibut dish with cucumber and herbs. Then we both had dessert - he had some gourmet chocolate turtles and I had a "zebra cake" with chocolate ice cream, which I could NOT finish. I tried!! But it was such an amazing evening. I don't know if any date I ever have will top it. Good luck, men of the world! :) What fantastic friends I have.

(Amandeep just won $52,000 all cash!)

Yesterday was my last church day. It was kinda sad. I had a solo that I completely effed up. I was so afraid of running out of breath and hitting the top note well, that I screwed up the notes in between... Not the best way to end it, but it's ok. LOL. I got to be amused by Dorsey's amazing "Wolfie and Esmerelda" puppet show. I love watching the children's innocent little faces as they watch the puppets, and I notice that some of them REALLY believe it's the puppets talking. It's so precious. Kids sunday was always my favorite. I wish they would have sung a song too. They're so good. Then after church we had to sing a funeral, so between the services Sarah, Ben, Caleb, and I went to Applebee's, which was super fun (and more calories). But worth it.

I'm also thinking about crap for today. I have yet to hear from the people who are supposed to be picking up my car today about when they are getting it. So, I'm a little worried about that. And I'm still worried if the rest of my clothes will even fit!! AHH. It'll be ok... Then, I have one last PT performance which will consume about 3 hours of my day. For one 3 minute scene. LOL. It's ok though. I guess I'm just concerned about coordinating that with the car pick up.

But I'm really excited about tonight. It's my last night in Boston and I'm spending it with the people that have been the most awesome in my life here. We're gonna go have dinner/drinks at Sunset. Hopefully I will be hungover for my early flight tomorrow. LOL.

(2nd episode of wheel: there's a REALLY annoying woman named Erika who is freaking out about everything. Pat said he didn't know if he could do the full half hour. LMAO. I would have said the same thing. We all know how low key I am when it comes to getting excited. LOL. )

It's soooo hard to stick to a healthy eating schedule/menu when you're being social. It's sooo nice hanging out with everything but this weekend has been so bad, food wise. Too much eating out. And then Tuesday is my brother's birthday so that will be difficult. But I think it's nice that I've allowed myself to be treated this weekend. It'll be easy to get back to my routine, and I won't feel so "deprived." Health experts say it's healthy to treat yourself every now and again, as long as you're eating healthy 80% of the time. That way, it's not really a "diet" but more of a general re-wiring of your brain and the way you think about eating. So, I think I'm doing pretty well! Plus I've lost about 8 pounds. :) And my hip is good so I will begin exercising as soon as I get home. (Although, I suppose all this lugging crap up and down the stairs has been pretty good exercise too) And I'm gonna force my mom to get out there with me! Yay for health!

That's all for now. Next blog will be more exciting with pictures and such. Erika has calmed down a little, so I'm gonna see if she wins anything. lol.

Peace and Love :)

Happy Earth [Pandora] Day!

OMG. What a great day! I don't have much to say, except - HAPPY EARTH DAY! I will remind you all of my amazing Earth Day message from last year:

Enjoy that! :)

Also, I woke up today with Avatar on the brain. I was sooooooo excited. So I got ready for class, and promptly ran to Target to grab it...lol. I watched it with Julia at her house. And pizza. Good times. AVATAR IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER.

(Notice the blue nails.)

I see you. :)

My newest obsession

So...those of you who know me well know that i have a tendency to quickly and intensely become obsessed/infatuated with things and/or people (ie: Avatar, Weddings, Glee). This odd Piscean quality that I possess was displayed quite nicely yesterday when I was asked to look up a song for my friend called "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy, featuring...

Bruno Mars.

So he starts off the song singing, and the first thing I thought was "wow I really love his voice," and I quickly searched for more music, "wow I REALLY like his music...and his style...wow he's really cute...omg he's so hot." And after about 15 minutes I was in full stalker mode. I had developed a full-on adolescent celebrity crush. He's so dreamy. Soon I also learned that he was the same guy who sings the hook in "Nothin on youuuu baby." And his real name is Peter Hernandez. And he's from Hawaii.

His solo album comes out May 11. Check him out. I know I am...

(Left, obvi)

Good News!!

OK so prayer works y'all. And positive energy. It's all amazing.

So we had been super worried and stressed about the whole house situation. Stakes were extremely high. If we couldn't sell within the next few weeks, a number of things would happen:

1) $1500 more of back-mortgage, plus late fees
2) Mom's last unemployment check would come and she'd kinda be up a creek
3) Other bad stuff.

But our prayers were answered when a couple of first time home-buyers came to see the house yesterday, fell in love with it, and had a contract written up THAT night! Mom signed the contract this morning, and if everything goes as planned (keep praying), they will close the end of May!! The only thing left is their inspector has to inspect the house, and make sure there aren't repairs that need to be made. And if so, those negotiations have to be made as far as who will pay for them, and how much, etc. But seriously - THIS IS GREAT NEWS!

Now we just will have to find a place. As I predicted, the house we LOVED has already leased! But the house leasing market is just like that. We will have to start looking for houses like a week before we need to move basically. I've decided to go back home on April 27 instead of May 24 because there is going to be sooo much that needs to be done to prepare for the move, and I want to start working at Maggiano's ASAP to make/save some money, and contribute to moving costs and whatnot. My church contract doesn't end until May 23, but I think Michael will understand that these are serious circumstances. I feel bad for putting him through this stress. I think it'll be fine though. I mean really, Chuck was gone for like 4 weeks SKIIING. Yeah, this will be fine. LOL.

Honestly, I know moving will be extremely emotional. We've been in that house for 14 years. Later I will dedicate a blog to 17014 Cranston Dr, but for now I'll just reflect on all the good and bad and great times I've had in that house. I know a lot of you can think of some too.

Wherever we end up, it will work out just fine because it will be a house filled with love, laughter, family, and friends. :)

So it looks like I need to start packing. Things are looking brighter and shinier every day. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support!

"Measure your life in love." ♥

Back in Boston

So I'm back in Boston. I was dreading coming back, but it's not so bad. I realized that as long as I have a positive outlook, things will be fine. And it's true! THINK POSITIVE!!

So when I got back I found out I'd already lost 5 lbs! One week at a time... I don't really want to weigh myself very often, because I have a tendency to get obsessive. I think I will be ok to work out tomorrow, although my hip is still giving me trouble. I'll take it slow at first.

So my trip home was amazing. We are going through tough times, but when you're with family, everything is just better. We have to sell our house for financial reasons, and we're hoping for a contract any day now! Please keep us in your prayers!! So in the mean time, we'd been checking out rental houses in the Pflugerville/Round Rock area in the event that our house sells like...tomorrow. This is my fave:

"my" bedroom

living space

master bath

It's hard to tell how awesome it is from the pictures. But trust me, it's awesome. It has everything we want and it's in Blackhawk which is a great area in Pflugerville. It's only like 10 minutes away from PHS. I hope our house sells soon so we can get this one. But, I wouldn't be surprised if this house rents like today. Ah well. I still have hope everything will work out.

I also had some quality time with Jawan, Elizabeth, Ashley, and Allie (and her adorable nephew) while I was home. Not to mention my awesome amazing sister and my awesome amazing niece. And OF COURSE mom!


easter @ church


My loves!

In other news, I told Dr. Pope that I wouldn't be returning to BU next semester. He was so shocked and a little disappointed. Not in me, but that he wouldn't get to work with me anymore. He said he's really enjoyed working with me in class. He's a really sweet guy and I will miss working with him as well. I really like his class. It was kinda sad to see that he was sad for me to leave, but it made me feel loved. :)

Anyway, I can't wait for summer. It was a beautiful day today though.

Until next time. ♥

Just created a blog.

So for some time I've been contemplating starting a blog. I've never been good at consistently keeping a diary or a journal, but every now and then I have a lot on my mind that I need to get out. So what the hell.

The biggest thing on my mind these days is how I've recently decided I'm really ready to make the change. Weight loss. It's plagued me my entire life. So now that I have this awesome life plan that I'm totally excited and confident about, I feel like it's really time to get my health in order. And this time I really feel ready to make the life change. I'm in a happy place. So I've been eating healthier for about 6 days now. And I'm feeling great. I haven't started the exercise regime yet because of my hip injury, but I would like to start walking ASAP, and slowly work other things into the routine. I really want to get in shape. I'd like to not get winded after walking up stairs. Anyway, that's what's happening there. That reminds me, it's breakfast time.

Today is going to be great. I'm going to my alma mater and future workplace, Pflugerville High School. I am so excited to work there everyday. It's really the best job someone like me could ask for. :) But I'm going to listen to the choirs before UIL contest and offer constructive feedback. It'll be the first time I've gone since I was given the voice teacher position for the fall, and the opportunity to be the potential future of the PHS choir program--so that makes it a different visit. It'll be special.

Not much more to say. We'll see how long the blog lasts. LOL. Off I go!