Good News!!

OK so prayer works y'all. And positive energy. It's all amazing.

So we had been super worried and stressed about the whole house situation. Stakes were extremely high. If we couldn't sell within the next few weeks, a number of things would happen:

1) $1500 more of back-mortgage, plus late fees
2) Mom's last unemployment check would come and she'd kinda be up a creek
3) Other bad stuff.

But our prayers were answered when a couple of first time home-buyers came to see the house yesterday, fell in love with it, and had a contract written up THAT night! Mom signed the contract this morning, and if everything goes as planned (keep praying), they will close the end of May!! The only thing left is their inspector has to inspect the house, and make sure there aren't repairs that need to be made. And if so, those negotiations have to be made as far as who will pay for them, and how much, etc. But seriously - THIS IS GREAT NEWS!

Now we just will have to find a place. As I predicted, the house we LOVED has already leased! But the house leasing market is just like that. We will have to start looking for houses like a week before we need to move basically. I've decided to go back home on April 27 instead of May 24 because there is going to be sooo much that needs to be done to prepare for the move, and I want to start working at Maggiano's ASAP to make/save some money, and contribute to moving costs and whatnot. My church contract doesn't end until May 23, but I think Michael will understand that these are serious circumstances. I feel bad for putting him through this stress. I think it'll be fine though. I mean really, Chuck was gone for like 4 weeks SKIIING. Yeah, this will be fine. LOL.

Honestly, I know moving will be extremely emotional. We've been in that house for 14 years. Later I will dedicate a blog to 17014 Cranston Dr, but for now I'll just reflect on all the good and bad and great times I've had in that house. I know a lot of you can think of some too.

Wherever we end up, it will work out just fine because it will be a house filled with love, laughter, family, and friends. :)

So it looks like I need to start packing. Things are looking brighter and shinier every day. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and support!

"Measure your life in love." ♥


Rose said...


I did not know you ae in Boston! This is Leah's Mom and we live in nearby Arlington. With what church are you employed? Why are you leaving BU? What are you plans and how was Italy?

It would be great to see you but i see you are in the middle of moving and have a tight schedule.

Rose Davis

TRACIE! said...

Aw! Yeah, I am moving in 10 days!! Thanks for finding me! I decided that the opera lifestyle was not meant for me. I learned a lot about myself while I was here! I am moving back home to Texas to teach voice and then become a high school choir director. I'm really excited.

Is Arlington south of Boston? If you give me your contact information, I may be able to come by and visit some time! I'm not sure if I can, but it would definitely be nice to see you all. Let me know! Thanks for checking up on me! :)

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