Live, Laugh, Love, Sing

It's been over a year since I posted last. So much has changed. My entire life, my entire being, and everything about me has changed!

I quit teaching in November of 2012. I was at the lowest point of my life, extremely depressed and didn't like where I saw my life going.....nowhere.

I started singing again and went back to grad school. I live in Chicago now, and I've lost around 60 pounds.

I feel like a new person, and a more authentic, much happier, healthier, and confident version of myself.

I've been dating, which has been a new experience and also changed the way I look at myself.

First, there was Peter. He was really great. Super sexy, 25 year old music teacher, gentleman, and our sexual chemistry was OFF THE CHARTS. We had quite a bit in common and he showed me some great times, and so fun places in the city. We dated for about 6-7 weeks. It ended because he rediscovered feelings for his ex girlfriend. It was a very amicable break up. No hard feelings. I cherish the moments we had, but I was ok with it ending.

Now, we have...we'll call him Taylor Lautner. So Taylor and I were really great friends, always there for each other, being completely honest with each other, and lifting each other up. However, Taylor and I were just best friends, because Tracie was dating Peter, and Taylor was dating.....Jennifer Love Hewitt. Taylor and Jennifer went on a "break" around the time Tracie and Peter started going out. And then when T and P called it quits, Taylor and Jenn ended it for good...that very same day. Just a coincidence. Tracie and Taylor were both upset, and needed the advice and comfort of a good, brutally honest friend. So they went out for brunch together the next day and talked, and it was a great afternoon. Over the next couple of week, Tracie started showing interest in other guys again, and asking Taylor for advice as usual, and Taylor would oblige her with honesty and reassure her of her greatness. Taylor always saw the best in Tracie. One day, Tracie realized she might think of Taylor as more than a friend....they spent more and more time together, and it was clear that those feelings were mutual. Meanwhile Jennifer, though the ex, is still around. Jenn and Taylor were together long enough to be common-law spouses! Tracie was aware of this and proceeded with caution. But Tracie and Taylor could not stop what was happening between was like gravity was pulling them into each other, and they were powerless against it. Well, one day T and T finally got physical. And now they are super happy and loving each other's company. But it's a delicate situation, because Jennifer and Tracie are sort of friends, and Tracie doesn't want to cause any hard feelings. Taylor is pretty confident that what is happening is fine, natural, and none of Jenn's busness. So they continue as friends at school, and lovers elsewhere. They are happy and they are falling in love. To be conitnued.....

So yeah. LOL. I love Chicago, I'm happy to be singing again, I'm confident in my body, and I love pretty much everything about my life right now. The Taylor situation is tricky, but wonderful. :)


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