First of all, I suck at blogging.
I had this great outlet and way of getting my thoughts out there, and then suddenly I got lazy. Or I was just so content with life, that I didn't feel the need to talk about it. LOL. Whatever the case may be, I clearly haven't blogged since June....and I'm kind of OK with it. But in case any of you were wondering (if you don't follow me on facebook), here's what's been going on with my life.
Summer was fun, but low key. I was pretty broke. But I did get to see a good friend whom I hadn't seen in 2 years!
Then I started teaching in August. It's wonderul. I love my students, etc. The greatest part is now I have money, and I feel like a real adult. I've been able to travel a little. And save. Which has been really cool. Gonna try and get that car in January 2012!
So I went to Boston in October for a weekend. So fun. Had a great time with Fred, Sarah, and other Boston friends whom I miss dearly.
In November I went to Baton Rouge with Jawan. We had a blast and a half. Good seeing old college friends, but it reminded me how OUT of college I am. lol. I felt a little old.
The holidays were wonderful. For the first time in about 18 years, I got to see BOTH my parents on Christmas. We went to New Iberia and it was pretty fun. I got some nice gifts and had a nice time with family.
In February, I went to TMEA for the first time as a teacher! It was amazing. I had 2 students who made all-state! I was incredibly proud. I had a blast doing all the teacher stuff and I saw SO MANY friends from LSU who are now teachers. I mainly hung out with Darren. He is such a blast. I had a nice hotel room to myself which made me feel even more grown up. LOL.
Last month I celebrated my 25th birthday! Whoa. And I did what I was supposed to do - I got to cross something off my bucket list. Skiing. CANADA!

It was such a great time with Cat Thomson! She did some amazing things for me for my birthday, and we had a blast just hanging out, catching up, drinking, etc. Great Spring Break Vacay.
Next destination MUST be Hawaii! Well, next big destination. It's gonna be expensive.
So, right now I'm at a place where I totally have spring fever. It's been a wonderful school year but I'm READY for summer!!! We have about 6 weeks left, and I have big plans for the Summer. Big family Disney trip is in the works for July, plus I really want to take the kids to Schlitterbahn, and maybe we can do a Padre trip. I also am of course gonna do the annual tubing day (or 2), Barton, and lots of pool time/barbecues! I can't wait...I LOVE SUMMER!!!